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I’ve finally watched last week the movie that I’ve been waiting for 2 years since they’ve announce Emma Watson will be portraying Belle. Beauty and Beast is one of the amazing live action movies that I’ve ever watched. The movie has everything: the story, the cast, the amazing costume designs and the music that was also featured in the animated film, it has all the things you’ve asked for.

The story takes place in France just like it was in the animated film and the movie includes the characters talking in French and mentioning things that was in France. It has scenes that is in the animated film that will make feel reminisce all the childhood memories of watching that film. It has a little bits of differences in the animated film and in this live action like, the story of the Beast is more explored and explained here than in the animated film and the facts like the Beast likes to read and have knowledge on a lot of things because he has high education for being a prince is mentioned here unlike in the animated film whereas it feels like he forgot how to be and act as a prince. The story of Belle’s mother is also mentioned here and why she feels different is also explored more in the movie. This is one of the reasons why I like this version of the live action as it explains the little bits of the story that is not part of the animation and gives you more information about the development of the characters, it shows how Belle and the Beast bond while finding out their little stories. The movie shows the development of the story while not also changing or forget the important scenes and parts of the animated film which is an element of the film.

The casts is an all star cast with different and amazing actors are part in this film like aside for Emma Watson and Dan Stevens (from Downtown Abbey) it has Ian McKellen, Emma Thompson, Luke Evans, Josh Gad and etc. and they all fit their characters perfectly. It shows how good their casting is because every cast portrayed their characters just as perfect as you can imagine them. Emma Watson is really perfect as Belle and when I first heard/read that she is casted as Belle back in 2015, I really always search for any developments of the film and became one of the reasons why I want to watch the film. What I like about her casting in Belle is it feels like she is meant for the role as she also portray Hermione Granger (in Harry Potter) that is somehow like Belle as Emma also said in her previous interviews. Belle and Hermione are both bookish, intelligent, compassion and a little bit weird because of how different they are to others that will make you like their character. Just all in all the I like all of the cast and it is amazing how it feels like they meant to act or portray their characters.

It has the musics that I want to hear especially the ones that is in the animated film. The part in where they sang Belle is very similar in the first film and I like how they made the song for ‘There’s Something There’ the scene where Belle and Beast find out they’re having feelings for each other, I feel a little bit giddy at that part in the live action because it shows how their feeling are developing.

It is in my must watched movies of 2017 and it did not disappoint me at all, I can leave the theater fully satisfied for what I have watched. It is worth the wait for me having watched this film. If you’re interested it is worth every penny watching this film. Be our guest!

P.S: It is funny in the cinema/theater because after the last part some parts of the audience/people clapped like they’re watching an opera or play. It is quite funny because I haven’t experience watching a film with people clapping at the end.

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